If I had a superhuman power, my choice for today would be levitation...and you can call me Levitator, or LeviLaine (I like Levi Laine!) . Its time now for an exhibition of my powers.......TaDA!!!!!!!!
These are silent thoughts creeping through the little rodent dubbed "Pinky". Not very furry, not even pink. Thread carefully in the whims and fancies of Laine.
Pinky wants to be the brain
These are silent thoughts creeping through the little rodent dubbed "Pinky". Not very furry, not even pink. Thread carefully in the whims and fancies of Laine.
Things that bring a smile to my face and a twinkle in my eyes
Shoe Sale!
DK lovin!
Great food, great places and the great people in my life
Hi Babe
Is that a turkey dance...... hehhehe
haha laine, r u levitating on fart air? hugs, karmen.
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