Billainaire: 24 billaine and counting...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I pick Door D: the one with the devil in it

Imagine you got sent to hell on a road trip, and was made to choose between 3 doors; behind which you shall spend a total of 15 hours with its inhabitants. Which would be your pick?

DOOR A: Arrogant, obnoxious bitch of a man who coincidently renegades in a bevy of continuous sarcasm in the effort to appear funny. Must also always have the last say in everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Basically, a ego-maniac who's also self-proclaimed pussy-whipped in the arse, which explains why he needs to be such a fuckin' elitist.
Quote: "I don't mean to put myself up, but at my work, Im regarded as the leader who solves big problems and people respect me cause I can handle them, and thats how I become successful". How is THAT not putting yourself up you little numbnut? God I hope you do really have nuts the size of raisins you shithead.

DOOR B: First man to walk away when the bill arrives. He wished he had Harry Potter's invisibility cloak to slither away unnoticed, but not under my watch mister! Also reported on multiple occasions to instigate others to pick up the tab, while he smiles his Cheshire cat smile. Oblivious that a myriad of unpleasant names are being yelled at him in my head. Who the fuck thinks he can get away at being a real deal cheapo and at the same time guilt-tripping someone else into paying? Fuckin freeloader. Hate you MFs.

DOOR C: The kind of person who will say something unpleasant unnecesarrily. Prolly never heard of the phrase : "If you don;t have anything nice to say, shut the fuck up" or it's kinder cousin : "If you dont open you mouth, nobody knows you're stupid". Have you ever told someone that you disliked them in their face? ambush and attack style? I don't think I appreciate being caught in that situation (which I obviously just did). The worst thing is that they don't think its impolite or wrong. It was like he was raised no, not by a monkey, but the monkey's shit-laden arse.

So I choose Door D, the one with horns and a barbed tail. Why? Cos I cant stand another minute of your smug yong sui face. Why? Cos the only things outta your mouth are filled with smut and pond scum, much like your insides. Why? Cos you have no sense of decency towards people and more so, people you've just met. Why? Cos you're trying to lose your Malaysian-ness to be more Aussie, much like the shallow people who don't embrace their roots and are miscronstrued that West n White is best. Why? I don't really wanna give you a piece of my pork rib cos you indirectly called me a bitch. Why? cos nobody announces how much they make just for public effect. I have a million reasons for disliking you from our brief 15 hour encounter. It's also taught me a valuable lesson. You can definately see how a person looks like on the inside by how much shit that spews out of his mouth.

Can't wait till you're outta our city.

1 comment:

Shuuji said...

Ouch....i hate to be that guy. I'd feel wrath decending on me.