Billainaire: 24 billaine and counting...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Funkiliy doo-dah names

I've heard that some Asians relish in giving themselves funky "english" names. Among the many Iv'e encountered before are Patience, Rainbow and who can forget Noodle/Dior Cheng E-Kin. silly Hollywood celebs are also joining the stand for weird names like Nicolas Cage's Kal-El (name of Superman's father) and Gwyneth's Apple. The funniest one i've seen was featured today as the boyfriend of Msian actress Lee Sin Je (the gal from The Eye). Ok here it comes....wait for it...wait for it....OXIDE Pang! C'mon the dude probably thinks its major cool and probably rolls off his tongue really nicely. Freedom of choice I guess.

"Hey Oxide, over here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EH my dear, Kal-El IS Superman.His appa is JOr-El.....